Hey everyone, I just want to put a quick reminder out there to make sure and get your lawn fertilized this fall. A lot of people this time of year tend to want to think oh, it’s okay. I’ll worry about the lawn next year. It’s good for the year. But if you want a Great Lawn next year, it starts right now. So make sure and stay on top of it and get your lawn fertilized. And it’ll make sure that you have our strong root system and that your lawn comes out really strong in the spring and even earlier than your neighbors. Which is great. So anyways, that’s it. Have a great day. See ya.

What Was In Your Late Fall Lawn Treatment
The lawn treatment we just applied to your yard includes: a winter fertilizer, also known as a winterizer, it is a lawn care treatment applied to grass in the late fall to encourage food storage in the winter and proper root system growth in the springtime.