Hi, James with tuxedo yard care. Today I want to talk to you about mowing height and how important it is to the health of your lawn. If you’re not cutting your lawn at three inches or higher, you’re cutting your lawn too short and you want to raise that up. You can get a ruler out a household ruler or a tape measure whatever and just measure right after you mow and see where you’re at. And then adjust your mower accordingly. And just keep kind of testing that till you get it where you want.
Yeah, and a lot of people think oh, I gotta cut my lawn shorter to get a nice even cutting it’s not true. Just raise, raise them our up, give it a few weeks of cutting at the new height, it’s gonna look a little scraggly for a few weeks. But once all those little blades catch up to each other, it’s gonna be a nice evening cut again and you’ll get it just as beautiful cut at the higher height. And then your lawn will thank you for it because it’s going to be way healthier, you’re going to get a deeper root system because the longer you cut your lawn at, the deeper the root system is going to be. You’re going to get a darker green color. You’ll have to water less you’ll get fewer weeds. It’s just healthy for your lawn all around, especially in the summer heat.
So anyway, that’s it for today. Give us a call if you need any help. Have any questions, or feel free to visit our website tuxedo yard care.com. Have a great day. We’ll see you later.