What was in your Spring Lawn Treatment?

The lawn treatment we just applied to your yard includes: liquid dethatching, pre and post emergents including crabgrass preventer, fertilizer, and broadleaf weed killer.



A liquid component that puts microbes and enzymes back into your yard. This helps the lawn naturally decompose thatch, which helps support a healthier lawn and soil composition.


Pre-emergent herbicides prevent the germinating weeds from establishing in the lawn. Post-emergent herbicides work to control weeds after they have already germinated. They work by traveling down the plant stalk and into the root system to kill the weed.

Pest Control Spray
granular Fertilizer Spreader


Our fertilizer contains 3 main components: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These key elements will help feed your lawn with nutrients that will help it thrive and survive. In turn, it will help thicken and give that desired beautiful green look.


The last additive we have put into our lawn treatment is intended to rid your lawn from broadleaf weeds. 

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